Hunger article

An increase of 26% assistance with hunger over the past year. There has been a layout on a lot of the larger cities and estimating people of all classes have comprised of hunger and possibly being homeless. It is a continuing issue considering the allocation of budgets with some of the states.

Reporting by Karen Pierog
DEC 8, 2009

A detailed look on a society as a whole and the affects of being homeless and hungry.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Review 1

I looked at Claudia's blog and thought it was simple but nice. She had a basic format that you could choose from for the background. I think her information is informative to the reader and gives enough for us to understand whats going on even if we were a stranger to this class. Even though some people are more artistic than others, the purpose is not that and more so with what the info says and how it is portrayed.

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