Hunger article

An increase of 26% assistance with hunger over the past year. There has been a layout on a lot of the larger cities and estimating people of all classes have comprised of hunger and possibly being homeless. It is a continuing issue considering the allocation of budgets with some of the states.

Reporting by Karen Pierog
DEC 8, 2009

A detailed look on a society as a whole and the affects of being homeless and hungry.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

National Runaway Switchboard

The National Runaway Switchboard came into our class and the lady was very informative with the things she discussed. This organization or program is open to teenagers who want or have thoughts about exiting their homes. The people that work there do not tell them what to do but inform them that there are other options than running away. Many of them also call them for advice or to vent. It is a Chicago based program that provides counseling and so much more to youth. It is government funded and only a small staff is given and the rest are volunteers.

I am really happy to hear that there is such an organization out there for young kids. There are many individuals that may need to hear someone else's advice besides their family and loved ones. This program I'm sure has help hundreds of thousands of kids not getting into trouble.

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