Hunger article

An increase of 26% assistance with hunger over the past year. There has been a layout on a lot of the larger cities and estimating people of all classes have comprised of hunger and possibly being homeless. It is a continuing issue considering the allocation of budgets with some of the states.

Reporting by Karen Pierog
DEC 8, 2009

A detailed look on a society as a whole and the affects of being homeless and hungry.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Action Project Proposal.

Miguel, Marnie, Clarence and myself are in group one together. We decided that we are volunteering with a charity called Grace House. It provides a place called home for for the women who have been dismissed from corrections. The women of Grace House have chosen to support the SOS Children's Village of Haiti by putting together a fundraiser which will take place this week Friday which is the 19th of March and will offer the public and friends and family the option to order meals for lunch, and/or dinner. The money the people spend on the food is what is going to be donated to the children's village for the children in Haiti. The SOS Children's Village is an independent non-governmental social development organization. This village helps out many people and transforms their lives. I hope to and know that I will have a better love for helping people in need and to make the world a better place.

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