Hunger article

An increase of 26% assistance with hunger over the past year. There has been a layout on a lot of the larger cities and estimating people of all classes have comprised of hunger and possibly being homeless. It is a continuing issue considering the allocation of budgets with some of the states.

Reporting by Karen Pierog
DEC 8, 2009

A detailed look on a society as a whole and the affects of being homeless and hungry.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Poverty in Chicago...

This is a documentary of the homeless people in Chicago. I find this video very interesting because they have real people on the streets telling their stories. Some are on the streets because of divorce, inadequate education, lack of affordable housing, and being in the service and becoming handicap. There is a place called The Pacific Garden Mission and most of the homeless say that it is hell there. Once you have been in there you never want to return and would rather sleep in the cold. This place in not funded by state or government. They also talk about why there is still run down neighborhoods and half finished housing. Most contractors do not want to finish and do business in low income areas because they will not profit. This video really shows the actually live footage of being poor and surviving.

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